Community Photo Gallery

Thanks Summerville Chamber!
We are happy to announce we are now members of the Summerville/Dorchester County Chamber of Commerce! Loved the sweet tea and Moon Pie welcoming station as we walked in the foyer!

Jim and Nicks with Charleston Leaders
If you haven't been to Jim and Nick's BBQ, you are missing out! Had a great time at the Charleston Leaders Mixer! What an awesome group of local business owners and community leaders!

North Charleston Lunch & Learn
We attended a great lunch on July 11th with the North Charleston Chamber of Commerce! Steve Melia, author of "162" spoke just after an awesome presentation by Arnie Freilich from Charleston SCORE. Looking forward to next month's Chamber Lunch and Learn!
Fire, Water,Mold... and Raccoons??
Had a couple of squatters in the attic! This little guy and a couple of his friends have been hanging out and setting off the alarm for the last couple weeks. Thank you Williams Wildlife Rescue out of Johns Island for finding our little critters a new home!